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Mixtape: New English (2016) SKILLZ MUSIK Clique Para Baixar Toda Mixtape Completa [] Share This Facebook Twitter Google+ RAP 1 comentário: Unknown 8 de setembro de 2017 às 13:03 Todas as músicas do álbum
Bringing the strange, mumbly style of the Atlanta school up the East Coast, Brooklyn-based MC Desiigner landed a recording contract with Kanye West's GOOD Music imprint in 2016. Sounding like a murky mix of Future and Young Thug, the rapper made his debut in 2014 under the name Dezolo, joining MCs Phresh and Rowdy on the single "Danny Devito." Late the next year, he made his debut as Desiigner 2019/02/21 2008/03/27 Download/Stream Desiigner's mixtape, New English, for Free at - Download/Stream Free Mixtapes and Music Videos from your favorite Hip-Hop/R&B artists. The easiest way to Download Free Mixtapes! 2017/09/29 2009/08/29 2016/06/26